Genetic Testing

Screen for hereditary cancer risk and take strategic action for your health.
The more informed you are about your genetic history, the better equipped you are to advocate for your health and overall well-being. Results from this testing can impact cancer screenings, improve prevention recommendations, and may allow for early detection which can increase success rates.
Genetic Testing Benefits:
Results from genetic testing can impact cancer screenings
Improve prevention recommendations
Allow for early detection which can increase success rates

Book a Genetic Testing Consultion
A comprehensive cancer risk assessment
Review of prior screening tests and records
Cancer genetic counseling and education
Cancer genetic testing using top-rated commercial labs
Carefully tailored surveillance plans for high-risk patients
Discussion of results at follow up appointment that may modify treatment in newly diagnosed cancer
Evidence-based prevention strategies
Discussion of implications for family members
Follow Up Visit (Included with Consultation)
Post testing consultation time is used to interpret test results and review how results may affect you and/or your family.
Test results are usually back to our office within 1 to 4 weeks. Our nurse will be reviewing your case with Dr. Silverman so that during your follow-up visit, you will be given a full copy of the test report and a comprehensive description of how the results relate to your medical care. You can decide to share your results with your referring doctor or any other physician.
If you have a positive result, it means that you have a genetic variant (mutation) that is associated with a higher risk of developing cancer. The impact this mutation may have on your overall lifetime cancer risk will be discussed. We will help you review ways in which to lower your potential risk, or adapt your monitoring so that cancers can be diagnosed at earlier, more easily-treated stages. We will also discuss impact on family members and advise who may benefit from testing and when it should be offered.
If your test result is negative, the cancer gene mutations you were tested for were not found, and the risk of developing related cancers is reduced. Keep in mind, however, that your overall risk may still be elevated based on medical history, an as yet undiscovered mutation, or other risk factors. How this relates to your risk will be discussed in detail.
If the test result shows a Variance of Uncertain Significance (VUS), it means a variant (mutation) was noted, but there is not enough information to determine if the variant (mutation) increases your risk of developing cancer. Over time, updates from the testing labs clarify whether a VUS should be ‘upgraded’ to a ‘positive’ (i.e. cancer-related) mutation, or ‘downgraded’ to a ‘negative’ (i.e. benign, noncancer-related) variant. How to proceed with current medical decision-making will be discussed. Instructions for follow up on genetic test updates will also be provided.
30 minute $150 (includes follow up visit)
One fee will cover two full visits with the doctor: your pre-test and post-test counseling sessions.
*Genetic test is a separate cost from the consultation and will be billed to your insurance company through the lab.
What to Expect:
After risk assessment and counseling with our nurse Maria Alberts, MSN, RN, NC-BC, you will give your informed consent in writing if you wish to move forward and have testing. Discussion will include:
Test accuracy and limitations, and meaning of results to you and/or family
Pros and cons and alternatives to testing
Screening or treatment decisions that might be based on different test results
Possible consent to use results for research purposes
Support services, and the right to refuse testing
The most common genetic testing methods use blood or saliva.
Sampling can be done at the office during your visit, or a kit can be sent directly to your home.